Welcome to the captivating world of Mariam Sitchinava, a self-taught film photographer who embarked on her journey in 2009 when she received her first film camera as a gift. What started as a simple curiosity quickly became a lifelong pursuit of capturing moments. She is renowned for her artistic approach and distinctive style. With an intuitive eye for beauty and a passion for storytelling, Mariam creates dynamic and visually stunning images that leave a lasting impression.

Inspired by the beauty of everyday life, Mariam finds artistic cues in the subtleties of a fleeting glance, the interplay of light and shadow, and the essence of nature. Her sensual, feminine, and fresh style transports viewers to scenes reminiscent of a nostalgic movie.

Having quickly gained recognition within three months of starting her photographic journey, Mariam has collaborated with well-known brands and showcased her work in notable exhibitions and projects. Her subjects often feature women, nature, mountains, light, and flowers, evoking a range of emotions and forging a deep connection between the viewer and the captured moment.

Mariam is dedicated to pushing boundaries and exploring new perspectives. Through her lens, she invites you to experience a world where emotions thrive, memories come alive, and stories are forever preserved in timeless frames.

Mariam's photos were exhibited in many countries, captivating audiences worldwide. Her photo prints, accompanied by her photobook, have been shipped across the world, further solidifying her international reach.